Computational Modeling 2 (BTW2302)

Modelling and simulation with the discrete event simulation methodology (DES) is powerful for analysis, design, planning, and optimization of highly complex discrete systems. Such systems cannot be analyzed and optimized by observation and real-world experimentation alone. An accurate digital replication, the literature calls this a "digital twin", has to be developed which contains the most relevant attributes of the complex situation to be analyzed. The in-vitro experimentation using this digital twin enables analytics and managers to derive improvement measures for misaligned complex systems. The focus of the module is on the application to practical examples in the realm of production planning, logistics, and network optimization.

This computational simulation methodology is important for simulation applications in the remainder of the study program for industrial engineers and management scientists alike. After graduation you apply these skills as business analyst, supply chain manager, data analyst, and production manager.

  • The students know the discrete simulation paradigm in detail and the criteria for its application.

  • They understand how to manage simulation-based projects.

  • The students can develop qualitative discrete event models.

  • They can develop quantitative discrete event simulation models.

  • They can use existing models and optimize those to identify errors and correct them.

  • The students analyze existing models by means of Monte-Carlo and statistical analysis.


  • Titel/Abschluss Erfüllt/nicht erfüllt
  • Dauer Herbstsemester: KW38–03
  • Unterrichtstage Mittwoch, 8:20–9:55 Uhr
  • Anmeldefrist HS: KW26–30– online in IS-Academia
    10 Plätze für BFH diagonal
  • Anzahl ECTS 4 ECTS
  • Kosten Keine Zusatzkosten
  • Unterrichtssprache Unterricht: English
    Kompetenznachweis: English
  • Studienort Biel
  • Departement Technik und Informatik
  • Nächste Durchführung Herbstsemester