Présentation des mémoires de master du Centre Stockage d’énergie

Les diplômé-e-s et étudiant-e-s du Master of Science in Engineering présentent leurs thèses de master et leurs travaux de projet qu'ils ont réalisés au Centre stockage d'énergie.

16.08.2023, 15h–17h45 – Évènement hybride: au Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne (S232) et en ligne

Fiche signalétique

  • Date de début 16.08.2023, 15h–17h45
    Ajouter au calendrier
  • Lieu Évènement hybride: au Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne (S232) et en ligne


15h00 – 15h10 Accueil: Prof. Michael Höckel
15h10 – 15h40

Optimierung eines PEM-Elektrolyse-Stacks – Untersuchung bezüglich technischer und wirtschaftlicher Verbesserungen am Elektrolyse-Stack von VICI

Thomas Lanz (Labor für Wasserstoffsysteme)

15h45 – 16h15 Design and implementation of flexible automated production test systems for ennos AG

Dino Seiler (Laboratory for Electrical Machines and Drive Systems)

16h15 – 16h30 Pause
16h30 – 17h00 SOC & SOH algorithms for battery chemistries (NMC & LFP) and to implement them in the FOX BMS 2
Bastien Binz (Battery and Storage Systems Lab)
17h05 – 17h35 Partial discharge inception voltage variations during SiC inverter fed motor aging
Lucien Porta (Laboratory for Electrical Machines and Drive Systems)
17h35 – 17h45 Synthèse et conclusion: Prof. Dr Andrea Vezzini
17h45 – 19h00 Apéro


Les présentations auront lieu en allemand ou en anglais.

L’horaire sera strictement respecté; les personnes intéressées pourront suivre uniquement certaines parties de l’évènement, si elles le souhaitent.

Les présentations dureront 25 minutes chacune et seront suivies d’une séance de questions-réponses de 5 minutes animée par l’enseignant-e.

Les participant-e-s auront la possibilité de poser des questions au moyen de la fonction questions-réponses. L’enseignant-e se chargera de sélectionner les questions pouvant être traitées par les étudiant-e-s. La séance étant limitée à 5 minutes, il sera également possible de poser des questions ultérieurement, par courriel.

Résumé des présentations

Ein limitierender Faktor für den breiten Einsatz von PEM-Elektrolyseuren sind die hohen Kosten. Diese resultieren im Wesentlichen aus den eingesetzten teuren Materialien wie Titan für die Zellkomponenten und Iridium und Platin als Katalysatoren. Zur Untersuchung der Charakteristiken von kostenoptimierten Zellen wurden Messaufbauten entwickelt, um die Stromdichte innerhalb des Elektrolyseurs zu messen. Aus der Verteilung der Stromdichte können Rückschlüsse auf Alterungseffekte oder unterschiedliche Reaktionsgeschwindigkeiten aufgrund von Defekten gewonnen werden. Zusätzlich wurde die elektrochemische Impedanzspektroskopie als weiteres Werkzeug zur Stack-Optimierung getestet.

Modération: Prof. Michael Höckel

An automated production test system is developed during this thesis for ennos AG, a solar water pump manufacturing company. A consistent growth in production volume drives the need for a more sophisticated production test process. The developed system addresses the challenges of manual handling in semi-automated testers, improving test result consistency, and process efficiency. Comprising two test benches for electric motor and electronics testing, as well as final product assembly, the system offers consistent and reliable results, reduces human error, and enables faster production cycles. The thesis discusses the design, implementation, and evaluation of the system, emphasizing its significance in enhancing efficiency and quality control within ennos's manufacturing operations.

Modération: Prof. Dr. Andrea Vezzini

The Energy Storage Research Centre (ESReC) of the BFH specializes in battery technology, particularly in NMC and LFP chemistries which are commonly used. A fully controlled laboratory environment equipped with high-precision sensors for measuring temperature, current, and voltage allows to conduct precise tests and develop state-of-charge (SOC) prediction algorithms. The next step is to integrate state-of-health (SOH) estimation with these algorithms and embed them in a final product for future projects. The goal is to adapt the current SOC model based on ECM (equivalent circuit model estimator) with SOH indicators. For this purpose, EIS (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) measurement should be integrated to adapt the parameter model over time.
The goal will be to integrate the EIS measurement directly into the BMS device and use the measurement to quantify the increase of the ECM parameters in real time.
Additionally, a complete statistical data frame concept should be integrated in the software as an exemplary implementation for the ESReC open-source data model.

Modération: Prof. Dr Andrea Vezzini

About half of the electrical energy consumed in Switzerland and worldwide is used by electric drive systems. Optimizing the efficiency of these systems therefore plays an essential role in meeting energy objectives.
Wide band gap semiconductors, such as those made of Silicon Carbide (SiC), offer interesting perspectives for electric drive systems while bringing increased stress for low voltage electrical machines, notably through partial discharge phenomena.
The presented study aims at measuring and identifying the insulation aging of electrical machines in the laboratory while studying the effects induced by a SiC inverter and high PWM voltage overshoots.

Modération: Prof. Dr Andrea Vezzini

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