Introduction to Industrial Product Design (BTS6690)

Want to elevate your industrial projects to the next level? This elective module provides a broad understanding of industrial design and its potential impact. By participating, you'll become aware of the benefits of collaborating with experts in this field, inspiring you to incorporate industrial design into your future projects. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your work!

  • explain what includes industrial design

  • explain the design thinking approach

  • explain the human centered approach

  • explain the role of industrial design, its challenges and benefits

  • formulate a design brief based on a design challenge in a Q37 context

  • evaluate the context, the user needs and the form/function balance upon a specific example

  • exchange and work in collaboration with an industrial designer on a specific project

Fiche signalétique

  • Titre/Diplôme Acquis/non acquis
  • Durée Sem. civiles 08–21
  • Journées de cours a: coming soon
  • Délai d'inscription Sem. civiles 51–02 – en ligne en IS-Academia
    Les places sont attribuées en priorité aux étudiants en TI
  • Nombre de crédits ECTS 2 ECTS
  • Coûts Pas de coûts supplémentaires
  • Langue d'enseignement Enseignement: Anglais
    Contrôle de compétence: Anglais
  • Lieu de formation Bienne
  • Département Technique et informatique
  • Prochaine édition Semestre de printemps