Trainings services for IDPs and agri-food MSMEs on food processing and safety

Development of training services for IDPs and MSMEs on food safety/food business contributes to compliance with national and international food safety standards and increases economic resilience of the agro-food sector in Myanmar.

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BFH HAFL university have an ongoing SDC-funded project in Myanmar to support Yezin Agricultur-al University YAU to establish an undergraduate course on food safety and quality management. Due to the February 1st military coup in Myanmar, HAFL are unable to continue their engagement with YAU, as it is a public university. HAFL and HEKS/EPER Myanmar have been in discussions to collaborate on supporting the development of a revised project that would be aimed at supporting skills development on food safety and quality management in the agro-food sector through engagement of the private sector. To help inform the design of this revised concept, consultations were held with several SMEs and service providers working in the agro-food sector.


In a needs assessment we will systematically determine and define needs of MSMEs regarding competent workforce well educated in food sciences, food safety and quality management. Gaps between the current situation and the desired condition will be identified. Phase 1 will take approx. 3 months. In phase 2 a levelled methodological sound training program will be developed (Level 1, 2, and 3 courses) along a continuum from introductory to more advanced subject-matters. For level 1 and 2 a total of approx. 20 modules will be developed. For the advanced level 3 customized modules will be elaborated which are designed for staff members with responsibility supervising the work of other employees. This phase will take 6 months. In phase 3 the modules (level 1 and 2) will be offered a first time within the frame (2 years) of this project in close collaboration with FOSTA and HEKS. Phase 4 comprises the training of at least 10 trainers (from selected service providers/training institutions) on how to deliver the competence- and activity-oriented courses to MSMEs and/or CSOs as well as to low- and basic-educated young people (in an informal education program) on food safety, quality management and food processing. In phase 5 the establishment of a 6-month internship program as a core component of the supported training modules will be achieved.


The project started on February 1st 2023.

Trainings services for IDPs and agri-food MSMEs on food processing and safety
Trainings services for IDPs and agri-food MSMEs on food processing and safety

Ce projet contribue aux objectifs de développement durable suivants

  • 4: Accès à une éducation de qualité