Feasibility study for a Centre of Excellence for the Moldovan fruit sector

Moldova Fruct, the fruit association in Moldova, has requested Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation to conduct a study to assess the feasibility for a Centre of Excellence to strengthen the Moldovan fruit sector on the export market.



Moldova Fruct is an organization whose members are mostly large fruit producers in Moldova, as well as other stakeholders of the fruit value chain (traders, processors, etc.). Service providers (input suppliers, equipment suppliers, extension services) are also part of Moldova Fruct. The assumption is that the Moldovan fruit sector could be better positioned on the export market, especially the European market, if a Centre of Excellence could support the sector with adequate advice and technical innovation (equipment, crop management, fruit varieties, lab facilities, certification facilities, etc.)


A survey will be conducted among the different stakeholder groups along the value chain, including large, medium and small fruit producers, processors, traders, as well as service providers (research, extension, input suppliers, etc.). Then a possible concept for the Centre of Excellence will be drafted and its economic viability will be calculated.

Dieses Projekt leistet einen Beitrag zu den folgenden SDGs

  • 2: Kein Hunger