Scholarship for Capacity Development in Improving Dryland Livelihoods in Somalia

Rural livelihoods in drylands of the Horn of Africa depend on natural resource management: this fragile resource base is managed by pastoralsists and dryland farmers, who derive a living thereof. How can you make this sustainable?


  • Lead-Departement Hochschule für Agrar-, Forst- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften
  • Institut HAFL Institut Hugo P. Cecchini
  • Forschungseinheit Internationale Landwirtschaft und ländliche Entwicklung
  • Förderorganisation Andere
  • Laufzeit 01.10.2018 - 31.03.2021
  • Projektverantwortung Prof. Dr. Filippo Lechthaler
  • Projektleitung Prof. Dr. Filippo Lechthaler
  • Projektmitarbeitende Dr. Pascale Waelti
    Prof. Dr. Urs Christoph Scheidegger
    Laura Kuonen
  • Partner Transtec Belgium
  • Schlüsselwörter Rangeland management, sustainability, dryland farming, soil conservation


The objective of this joint scholarship program between TRANSTEC and HAFL is to enhance capacities and skills of staff of TRANSTEC’s “Improving Dryland Livelihoods in Djibouti and Somalia through Productivity-enhancing Technologies” project.


Two capable staff will be selected jointly by TRANSTEC and HAFL for MSc studies at HAFL in Switzerland and working on their MSc theses in Somalia. They will develop a research project in the field of sustainable rangeland management.