Prof. Dr. Roland Stähli

Prof. Dr. Roland Stähli Leiter Ressort Lehre
Contact hours
Friday -
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Ressort Lehre
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Head of Teaching – coordinating all teaching activities at BFH-HAFL
Managing all further development projects for teachers (e.g. curriculum development, quality management, and digitalisation)
Professor of Methodology and Didactics – teaching the psychology of learning, communications, and methodologies
Collaborating on knowledge management research projects, with a focus on knowledge acquisition, creation and transfer
Assisting on international education-cooperation projects
Focus areas
The psychology of learning
Methodology and didactics in vocational training and at universities – diverse methods
Knowledge creation and transfer processes
Managing educational institutions
Teacher education and training
Sensitivity and awareness of education and counselling processes
Degree programmes
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
Bachelor of Science in Food Science
Bachelor of Science in Forest Science
Master of Science in Life Sciences
Basics of the psychology of learning
Communication, presentation techniques and performance skills
Natural sciences didactics
Creativity training
Agricultural teaching and advising
Collaborating on knowledge management research projects
Focus areas
Knowledge acquisition and knowledge transfer
Knowledge production
Developing educational systems and institutions
Education for sustainable development (ESD) at vocational and higher education institutions
Education in MINT (mathematics, informatics, natural science and technology) subjects
Other projects
Project-linked contributions (PgB) to the swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network (SUDAC) project
Project-linked contributions (PgB) to the swissuniversities Continuation and Expansion of a National Network to Promote MINT Education (MINT) project
Internal memberships
HAFL Head of Teaching
HAFL Teaching Committee
BFH Teaching Committee
BFH Steering Committee for the MINT project
BFH is-academia Strategic Steering Committee
HAFL Digitalisation Group
HAFL Sustainability Group
Collaborating on issues of strategy and quality development in teaching for various working groups
External memberships
Swiss Forum for Skills Development and International Cooperation (FoBBIZ)
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): Network of Bernese universities on education for sustainable development
CEAS: Albert Schweitzer Ecological Centre, Neuchâtel
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- German - Native or bilingual proficiency
- French - Full professional proficiency
- English - Full professional proficiency
- Spanish - Full professional proficiency
- Italian - Professional working proficiency
Intercultural knowledge
- Argentina
- Chile
- Germany
- Lao People's Democratic Republic
- Kyrgyzstan
- Honduras
- Gabon
- Senegal
- Italy