Josh Levent

Josh Levent Externe Fachperson
Berner Fachhochschule
Business School
Brückenstrasse 73
3005 Bern
- Josh is a high-level designer, working on concepts, organisations and other systems, to deliver real human value in a sustainable way.
He is a scientific associate at the Bern University of Applied Science, and lecture at several other Swiss universities and vocational schools on a visiting basis.
From 2018 until 2020 he ran his own company, Josh Levent LLC, where he produced a podcast, consulted clients, and coached small business owners.
He was the Curator 18-19 of the Global Shapers Hub Bern, a volunteer organisation that seeks to make a local impact for a better world using cross-sector collaboration.
From June 2016 until September 2018 he was designing solutions for clients as Chief Innovation Officer of Muutu, a technology design studio in Bern, Switzerland. Muutu was also internally developing a virtual retirement home solution to solve the biggest challenges in elderly care today.
He completed his Master in Business Design at Domus Academy, in Milan Italy, a global top 30 Design School.
He also graduated from the world-class Draper University immersive entrepreneurship programme, and completed the Art and Science of Coaching at Erickson College.
He was Head of Marketing for a medium-sized technology services company in Bern, Switzerland from 2012 to 2014.
Prior to that he was the President (CEO) of a large non-profit organisation called AIESEC New Zealand.
He completed his undergraduate studies in International Business and Management at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- English - Native or bilingual proficiency
- German - Native or bilingual proficiency
- Spanish - Limited working proficiency
Intercultural knowledge
- New Zealand
- United States of America
- Germany
- Switzerland
- Italy