- Press Release
Start of semester – training well-qualified specialists for a sustainable society
13.09.2022 Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) will welcome around 2,300 new bachelor and master’s degree students next week when they start their programmes. Around 7,900 students are now enrolled, which is a slight increase compared to last year. By launching new programmes – such as those focusing on sustainability – BFH is showing its commitment to the transformation towards a responsible society.
Students have shown strong interest in the new master’s degree programme “Circular Innovation and Sustainability”. It has exceeded all expectations, with over 50 students enrolled. The programme enables graduates to implement transformations towards a more sustainable society as future change agents. Great emphasis is also placed on the circular economy in the new master’s programme “Precision Engineering”, run jointly with the University of Bern. The programme provides students with the expert knowledge required to plan safe, sustainable and globally marketable precision engineering products for a "circular industry".
Various continuing education courses have also been launched, attracting strong interest. They include the CAS in Railway Construction, the CAS in Construction Project Management and the CAS in Additive Manufacturing at the School of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering and at the School of Engineering and Computer Science, as well as the CAS in Neurorehabilitation and the CAS in Applied Nutritional Psychology at the School of Health Professions.
BFH is committed to tackling the shortage of specialists
“BFH aims to contribute, through its programmes, to the transformation towards a sustainable, digitally literate and health-conscious society and to tackling the shortage of specialists,” underlined Sebastian Wörwag, President of BFH. “I am delighted that our new programmes have been so well received.”
In total, around 2,300 new bachelor and master’s degree students will begin their programmes at BFH on Monday, 19 September 2022. The School of Health Professions, the Business School and the Academy of the Arts have the highest numbers of new admissions.
New admissions up 6% on pre-pandemic period
Many students decided against taking a gap year over the past two years due to coronavirus, which explains why the number of new admissions rose sharply over this period (2020: 11 percent, 2021: 4 percent). As restrictions imposed to contain COVID have now largely been lifted, the number of new admissions was 8% down on the previous year, but 6% higher than in 2019. Around 7,900 students are currently enrolled on a bachelor or master’s degree programme – which is 1% more than at the same time last year.
Support for students and researchers from Ukraine
BFH has been committed to admitting students and researchers with protection status ‘S’ since the outbreak of the conflict. BFH has continually received admission applications since the war began. BFH has so far admitted 13 research associates: 12 female and 1 male. Two of them work at the Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen. 23 regular and 25 guest students are enrolled.
BFH will continue its commitment in view of continued hostilities. It is also endeavouring to step up international cooperation with universities and the innovation sector in Ukraine, to quickly stabilise Ukraine’s existing science network and to support a sustainable transformation into the future.
No special COVID measures for the start of the semester
The current situation is such that the new semester at BFH can get under way without any particular COVID protection measures. In-person tuition will take place for bachelor’s, master’s and continuing education programmes. BFH will monitor developments and will consider a change of policy if federal government or the canton recommend new measures.
Power saving in winter
BFH is gearing up for the impending energy shortage. This includes energy-saving measures. It is also currently conducting research on alternative forms of energy and ways of optimising energy storage. Despite the looming energy shortage, BFH will make every effort to continue in-person tuition and research activities.