Agriculture and food security review in Vietnam

After 20 years of collaboration with Vietnam to support the livelihood of the poor people, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC wants to take stock of the portfolio, its results and impacts and the lessons learnt.


  • Schools involved School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences
  • Institute(s) Agriculture
  • Research unit(s) International Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Funding organisation Others
  • Duration 15.07.2015 - 05.10.2016
  • Head of project Prof. Dr. Dominique Guenat
  • Project staff Vu Ngoc Uyen
    Prof. Dr. Dominique Guenat
  • Partner Swiss Cooperation Office Vietnam
  • Keywords agriculture, food security, review, SDC


The results will feed into the overall assessment of the SDC bilateral program in Vietnam and into the rural livelihood & natural resource management networks in SDC. The lessons learnt in Vietnam will be disseminated to national partners.

Course of action

The analysis comprises an overview study of the 20 years program on the key topics forestry, extension, poverty reduction, with particular emphasis on the current period. It also includes an in-depth study of the current Agriculture and Food Security program including a beneficiairies' assessment of 2 projects: PALD and MARP.