Dr. Hanna Barbara Hölling

Dr. Hanna Barbara Hölling Forschungprofessorin
Berner Fachhochschule
Hochschule der Künste Bern
Fellerstrasse 11
3027 Bern
Weitere Projekte
2025 SNSF Scientific Exchanges, Natureculture Lab, HKB Bern Academy of the Arts
2024 BFH Bern University of Applied Sciences, Network Grant, Strategic Fields
2023 Visiting Professorship, University of Rio de Janeiro, University of Brasilia
2019-23 Global Engagement Fund, University College London
2019-2020 Terra Foundation for American Art Fellowship, Smithsonian American Art Museum: Fluxus and the Material Legacy of Intermediality
2019 Dean’s Strategic Fund Grant for Education and Research Activities, University College London
2016-2017 Getty Conservation Scholarship, Getty Conservation Center / Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
2013-2015 Andrew W. Mellon Visiting Professorship, Cultures of Conservation, Bard Graduate Center, New York
2010-2011 The Courtauld Institute of Art, London: The Material Life of Things Research Forum Fellowship
2009-2013 Dutch Scientific Research Foundation NWO PhD Research Fellowship, University of Amsterdam
Hölling, Hanna B. (2021). Zeit, Materialität, Authentizität in Paiks Medienkunst / Time, Materiality and Authenticity in Paik's Media Art. In Engel, C. (Ed.), Nam June Paik: Pre Bell Man - Eine Ikone der Medienkunst /An Icon of Media Art (German, English). (pp. 70-73). Frankfurt: Museum für Kommunikation Frankfurt.
Hölling, Hanna B. Serexhe, B., Wharton, G. (2013). Interview: Hanna Hölling, Bernhard Serexhe, Glenn Wharton. In Park, M., Seong, E.K., Sang, A.P. (Eds.), Nam June Paik Art Center Interviews. (pp. 90-118). Seoul: Nam June Paik Arts Center.
Hölling, Hanna B. (2010). Konservierung. In Hedinger, J.M., Gossolt, M. (Eds.), Lexikon zur zeitgenössischen Kunst von Com&Com. (pp. 83-84). Zürich: Niggli Publishers.
Journal articles
Hölling, Hanna B. (2020). Archiefactiveringen. Metropolis M, 41 (1), 42-45.
Hölling, Hanna B. (2020). Archival Activations: Writings by Nam June Paik. Metropolis M online.
Hölling, Hanna B. (2018). Archive and Documentation. Art and Documentation Journal, 1 (17), 19-28.
Hölling, Hanna B. Scholte, Tatja, Stigter, Sanneke, van de Vall, Renee (2011). Reflections on a Biographical Approach to Contemporary Art Conservation. International Council of Museums, Conservation Committee ICOM CC, 1.
Invited lectures and seminars (since 2018)
Hölling, Hanna Barbara (15 February 2020). Feedback and Feedforth: New Approaches to Nam June Paik – a response paper and discussion within a session organized by Gregory Zinman on the occasion of College Art Association Annual Conference, Chicago.
Hölling, Hanna Barbara (21 February 2020). Presentation on film and media conservation delivered on the occasion of the workshop Conservation and Philosophy organized by Tate Modern and Institute of Philosophy, University of London. University of London Institute in Paris.
Hölling, Hanna Barbara (26 September 2020). Critical Grounds: Institute for Land and Environmental Art--Introduction to an international conference Critical Grounds: Art and Politics of Landscape. Tenna, Grisons, Switzerland.
Hölling, Hanna Barbara (1 October 2020). Ceci n’est pas une Paik: Materiality and Knowledge in the Conservation of Media Art. Lecture delivered on the occasion of Paik Soiree, Free University of Amsterdam and Stedelijk Museum (online). Amsterdam.
Hölling, Hanna Barbara (1 October 2020). What is Landscape? An introductory seminar to Alps Art Academy International Summer School. Tenna, Grisons, Switzerland.
Hölling, Hanna Barbara (12 December 2019). Unpacking the Score: Fluxus and the Material Legacy of Intermediality. Invited seminar delivered within the Smithsonian American Art Museum Lunch Bag Seminar Series. Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC.
Hölling, Hanna Barbara (14 March 2019). Über die Begriffe der Zeit, Materialität, und Authentizität in Paiks Medienkunst. Lecture delivered on the occasion of the International Symposium addressing the aspects of conservation and restoration of media art (Ger: Internationale Tagung zu Fragen und Aspekten der Bewahrung und Restaurierung von Medienkunst). Museum of Communication Franfurt, Germany.
Hölling, Hanna Barbara (23 April 2019). Keynote: Time and Memory in Fluxus Films, delivered on the occassion of the 5º Seminário de Artes Digitais (SAD) | 5th Seminar for Digital Arts, State University of Minas Gerais/Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Hölling, Hanna Barbara (15 April 2019). On Performance, Archive and Conservation. Presentation delivered at the think tank on performance, media and archives at VALIE EXPORT Center, Linz, Austria.
Hölling, Hanna Barbara (10 May 2019). Unity and Diversity: Discipline Formation & Cultures of Expertise - Session chair and concluding remarks delivered on the occasion of The Making of Art Experience: Discipline Formation & Cultures of Expertise--Artechne international conference. Organized by University of Utrecht, University of Amsterdam, NICAS and Rijksmuseum at the University of Utrecht.
Hölling, Hanna Barbara; Greyson, Saisha (22 November 2019). Art Bites Gallery Talk: Hanna Hölling and Saisha Grayson on Nam June Paik Global Grove. Presentation delivered within the public event series Art Bites Gallery Talk. Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC.
Hölling, Hanna Barbara (7 November 2018). Die Digitalisierung und Konservierung von Kunst und Kulturgut, seminar delivered in collaboration with Thomas Gartmann, Bern University of the Applied Sciences.
Hölling, Hanna Barbara (1 November 2018). Object, Event, Performance: Rethinking Materiality in Fluxus Intermedia. Lecture delivered at the symposium Kunst und Material: Repräsentation, Stofflichkeit, Prozesse | Art and Material: Representation, Materiality, Processes. SIK-ISEA | Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft | Swiss Institute for Art Research Zürich.
Hölling, Hanna Barbara (October 2018). Perpetuating Change, Invited master class on media art and performance, Instituto Moreira Sales, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Hölling, Hanna Barbara (June 2018), invited seminar on replication delivered on the occasion of Doctoral Summer Institute for Technical Studies in Art, Harvard Art Museums, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Hölling, Hanna Barbara (April 2018). The Medium of Time and Transition, invited master class for MA and PhD students in Technical Art History, Utrecht University.
Organized colloquiums, symposiums and panels (since 2018)
Hölling, Hanna Barbara (23 February 23, 2018). Object—Event—Performance Art, Materiality, and Continuity since the 1960s. Session organized at the College Art Association 106th Annual Conference in Los Angeles, CA.
Hölling, Hanna Barbara and Salvador Muñoz-Viñas (26 June 2018). Musealization, panel and discussion co-convened on the occasion of the conference New Approaches in the Conservation of Contemporary Art, University of Applied Science, Cologne Institute for Conservation Science.
Hölling, Hanna Barbara (4 June 2018). “Born Digital,” panel convened on the occasion of MAPS Media Art preservation, Museum Ludwig, Budapest.
Exhibitions and curatorial work
Hölling, H.B., Mircev, A., Lesnierowska, J., Magnin, E., Wrapner, C. (2024). Yet to Come: Experiments in Reverse-Engineering and Conseraving Performance. (No of pieces: 20) [Exhibition]. HKB Bern Academy of Arts.
Hölling, H.B. and Hedinger J.M. (2015). Videosalon (No of pieces: 8). [Exhibition]. Bard Graduate Center Residency, New York.