Prof. Dr. Dörte Watzek


Prof. Dr. Dörte Watzek Dozentin, Co-Leiterin WAT

  • Address Berner Fachhochschule
    School of Health Professions
    Fachbereich Physiotherapie
    Murtenstrasse 10
    3008 Bern


  • Department of Scientific Work and Thesis

  • Module: Social and psychological aspects in physiotherapy

  • Communication training with Standardised Persons

  • Counselling and conversation in physiotherapy

  • Goal setting and motivation for behavioural change


  • BSc Physiotherapy

  • Msc Physiotherapy

  • CAS InterActing (Bern Academy of the Arts)


  • My first professional training as a masseuse is very useful for my work as a lecturer at the Bern University of Applied Sciences, where I am responsible for the Psychological Aspects in Physiotherapy module, including communication training. I am Co-President of the Swiss Working Group for Physiotherapy in Psychiatry and Psychosomatics. I studied psychology at the TU Dresden (D) and completed my doctorate at the University of Fribourg (CH) on the subject of emotion transfer. I have dealt with the topics of communication and motivation, e.g. further training in solution- and resource-oriented counselling and actively participated in the qualitative research project "Acting practical knowledge: Investigating its significance in communication training in the
    health sector". My counselling skills in learning counselling in the BSc Physiotherapy.


  • Schauspielerisches Praxiswissen: Untersuchung seiner Bedeutung in Kommunikationstrainings im Gesundheitsbereich

  • Evaluation - Mehrwert der Kommunikations- und Beratungstrainings für die berufliche Praxis in der Retrospektive

  • Nordic Walking in der Psychosomatik: Effektivität und Ökonomie

  • Funktion nonverbaler Kommunikation bei geschlossenen Fragen in der Gesprächsführung


  • BSc Physiotherapie

  • Msc Physiotherapie

  • CAS InterActing (HKB)

  • Interdisciplinary Communication Group

  • Schweizer Arbeitsgruppe für Physiotherapie in der Psychosomatik und Psychiatrie (SAG PPP)

  • Stiftung Brüttelenbad (Stiftungsrat)

  • International Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH)