Prof. Dr. Maya Zumstein-Shaha

Prof. Dr. Maya Zumstein-Shaha Dozentin
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Health Professions
Fachbereich Pflege
Stadtbachstrasse 64
3012 Bern
Master of Science in Pflege
Focus areas
Advanced Practice Nursing
Psychosocial Health - Spirituality
Shortage of Health Professionals
Degree programmes
Master of Science in Nursing
Philosophy of Science for Health Professions
Research Methods I
Master-Thesis Seminar
Health Services Research
Psychosocial Health
Focus areas
Advanced Nursing Practice - Development of New Roles
Spirituality from the Perspective of Cancer Patients
- Adjunct head of the Master of Science in Nursing program at the Bern University of Applied Sciences and senior lecturer in nursing science with focus on philosophy of science, nursing theories and research, Advanced Practice Nursing, health promotion and disease prevention
Research expertise: Advanced Practice Nursing: development and implementation of new roles for nurses in healthcare; Psycho-social health: Living with cancer - Omnipresence of cancer; Theory development in nursing; Ethical professional challenges; Serious games
Professional experience
- 2023 - currently Visiting Fellow Bournemouth University, United Kingdom
- 2017 – currently Invited Lecturer FH Campus Wien, Institute of Nursing Science, Vienna, Austria
- 2010 – 2017 Senior Lecturer Institute of Higher Education and Research IUFRS, University of Lausanne, Faculty of Biology and Medicine, Lausanne, Switzerland
- 2009 – 2015 Scientific Collaborator Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, Directorate of Nursing and Allied Health Professions, Department of Nursing Development, Bern, Switzerland
- 2012 – 2014 Habilitation University of Witten Herdecke, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Nursing Science, Witten, Germany
- 2011 – 2012 Resarch Adjunct British Columbia Cancer Agency, Canada
- 2009 – 2009 Teaching Assistant University of Lausanne, University Hospital of the Canton of Vaud, Institute of Higher Education and Research in Health Care, Lausanne, Switzerland
- 2009 – 2011 Affiliated Faculty Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
- 2009 – 2010 Lecturer University of Applied Sciences Health Freiburg, Switzerland
- 2008 – currently Invited Lecturer University of Vienna, Institute of Nursing Science, Vienna, Austria
- 2007 – 2009 Part-time Faculty Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
- 2005 – 2007 Post-doctoral Student Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
- 2006 – 2008 Research Assistant Johns Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
- 2006 – currently Invited Lecturer University of Witten Herdecke, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Nursing Science, Witten, Germany
- 2005 – 2005 Honorary Research Fellow City University St Bartholomew School of Nursing and Midwifery, Smithfield, London, Great Britain
- 2002 – 2009 Researcher, Lecturer University of Applied Sciences Health Freiburg, Switzerland
- 2002 – 2002 Lecturer University of Applied Sciences Aargau, Department of Health, Aarau, Switzerland
- 2001 – 2002 Part-time Lecturer University of Applied Sciences Aargau, Department of Health, Aarau, Switzerland
- 2000 – 2002 Registered Nurse IKP University Hospital of Zurich, Department of Visceral and Cardiac Surgery, Switzerland
- 1998 – 2007 Visiting Lecturer University of Lucerne, Post-graduate Course on Conflict and Crisis Management in Intercultural Areas. Switzerland
- 1998 – 2003 Student in the PhD Program City University St Bartholomew School of Nursing and Midwifery, Smithfield, London, Great Britain
- 1996 – 2000 Registered Nurse IKP (Integrated Nursing Care) University Hospital of Zurich, Department of Visceral and Cardiac Surgery, Switzerland
- 1995 – 1998 Student in the Masters Program City University St Bartholomew School of Nursing and Midwifery, Smithfield, London, Great Britain
- 1994 – 1995 Registered Nurse IKP (Integrated Nursing Care) University Hospital of Zurich, Department of Visceral and Cardiac Surgery, Switzerland
- 1993 – 1994 Registered Nurse IKP (Integrated Nursing Care) City Hospital Waid, Department of Visceral Surgery, Zurich, Switzerland
- 2012 – 2015 Habilitation. “Privatdozent”. Habilitation thesis: “The Omnipresence of Cancer." University of Witten Herdecke, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Nursing Science, Chair of Family and Community Nursing, Witten, Germany.
- 2005 – 2007 Postdoctoral studies. Research project: “Transitoriness in Cancer Patients” Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Baltimore, Maryland, United States.
- 1997 – 2003 PhD in Nursing. Doctoral thesis: “The Omnipresence of Cancer“ The City University St Bartholomew School of Nursing and Midwifery, Smithfield, London, Great Britain.
- 1997 – 1998 Master of Science in Nursing. Master’s thesis: “Everyday Racism in Hospital“ The City University St Bartholomew School of Nursing and Midwifery, Smithfield, London, Great Britain.
- 1995 – 1997 Diploma in Integrated Nursing Care IKP. Dual diploma in adult care and sick children’s care. Diploma thesis: “The Systems Theory by Imogene M. King: practical implications” School of Nursing Zurich, Program of Integrated Nursing Care, Carmenstrasse 32, 8032 Zurich, Switzerland.
- 1989 – 1993 Baccalaureat (Matura Type B), Latin. Alte Kantonsschule Aarau, Bahnhofstrasse, 5000 Aarau, Switzerland
Other projects
PRiMA - Implementation of Advanced Practices Nurses' Roles in Primary Care in GP-Practices in the Canton of Bern. Investigator Consortium: Bern University of Applied Sciences, GP-Practice Pluriprax Bätterkinden and Xundheitszentrum Grindelwald, Community Nursing Association Aemmeplus Kirchberg, Cantonal Physician of Bern, National Economy of Bernese Oberland, Federal Association of Swiss Physicians. Project Coordinatior: M. Zumstein-Shaha. Funding 2020-2022: Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz
Implementation of a interprofessional evidence-based intervention NEODOL to prevent procedural pain in neonates. A feasibility study. Investigators: C. Balice-Bourgois, G. Simonetti, C. Newman, M. Zumstein-Shaha. Funding 2018 – 2020: ABREOC
Validation of the measurement tool of Transitoriness. Investigators: M. Zumstein-Shaha, G. Sobral, J. Pasche, A.-C. Chaudhry-Schaer, C.Bussy, P. Ballabeni. Funding 2016 – 2017: Fondation Leenaards, Lausanne, Switzerland
Coordination and collaboration in primary palliative care. Palliative care networks inSwitzerland.Investigators: B. Liebig, K. Bally, C. Gamondi, C. Mazzocato, E. Zemp Stutz. Consultant: M. Zumstein-ShahaFunding 2017 – 2019: NRP74, Swiss National Fund, Switzerland
Development of a national clinical pathway for colorectal cancerInvestigators: V. Meyer, E. Kraft, J. Nadig, J. Pfisterer, FMH-Working group member: M. Zumstein-Shaha. Funding 2014 – 2018: FMH – Swiss Medical Association, Bern, Switzerland and SAQM –Swiss Academy for Medical Quality, Bern, Switzerland
Peer-review Journals
da Rocha Rodrigues, M. G., Pautex, S., Zumstein-Shaha, M. (2019). Revie plus sign in circle: An intervention promoting the dignity of individuals with advanced cancer: A feasibility study. Eur J Oncol
Zumstein-Shaha, M., Alder, J. (2018). [Which health professionals are responsible for taking care of spiritual needs in newly diagnosed cancer patients according to the literature?]. Zeitschrift für Spiritual Care in den Gesundheitsberufen, 7, 3, 281-291.
Stanic, J., Perrenoud, B., Rochat, E., Ballabeni, P., Jaques, C., Schaer-Chaudhry, A. C., Zumstein-Shaha, M. (2018). Experiences of newly diagnosed cancer patients in confronting the finitudes of life: a qualitative systematic review protocol. JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep, 16,12, 2288-2294.
Didier, A., Gachoud, D., von Niederhäusern, G., Benaroyo, L., Zumstein-Shaha, M. (2018). Caring moments within an interprofessional healthcare team: Children and adolescent perspectives. Patient Experience Journal, 5, 2, Article 7.
Zumstein-Shaha, M. (2018). [Content analysis – Boring or what?]. QuPuG, 5, 2, 70-78.
de Goumoëns, V., Didier, A., Mabire, C., Shaha, M., Diserens, K. (2018). Families’ needs of patients with acquired brain injury: acute phase and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Nursing, published online January 2.
Mülhauser, S., Bonhôte Börner, M., Saner, H., Zumstein-Shaha, M. (2018). [The impact of motivational interviewing on illness perception in patients with stable coronary artery disease – a randomised controlled study]. Pflege, 31, 2, 75-85.
Spichiger, E., Zumstein-Shaha, M., Herrmann, L., Schubert, M. (2018). [Focused development of advanced practice nurse roles for specific patient groups in a Swiss university hospital]. Pflege, 31, 1, 41-50.
Didier, A., Campbell, J., Franco, L., Serex, M., Staffoni-Donadini, L., Gachoud, D., Zumstein-Shaha, M. (2017). Patient perspectives on interprofessional collaboration between healthcare professionals during hospitalization: a qualitative systematic review protocol. JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep, 15, 8, 2020-2027.
Shaha, M., Perrenoud, S., Romagnoli, S. (2017). Grippe – eine moralisch-ethische Verpflichtung für Pflegefachpersonen? Pflegerecht, 1.
Werlen, M., Shaha, M., Streuli, J. (2016). Unterstützung der Eltern nach IVG bei Geschlechtsvarianten (DSD/VSD – «Intersexualität»). Jusletter, 29. August 2016.
Sugar, A. C., Shaha, M., Schneider, D. (2016). Introduction of blended learning in a master program: Developing an integrative mixed method evaluation framework. Nurse Education Today, 48: 172-179.
Helou, N., Dwyer, A., Shaha, M., Zanchi, A. (2016). Multidisciplinary management of diabetic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 169-207.
Da Rocha, G., Pautex, S., Shaha, M. (2016). Revie +: The influence of a life review intervention including a positive, patient-centered approach towards enhancing the personal dignity of patients with advanced cancer. A study protocol for a feasibility study using a mixed method investigation. Pilot and Feasibility Studies.
Shaha, M. (2016). The science of nursing – what it is about and its development. VSH-Bulletin, 42, 2, 3-8.
Shaha, M. (2016). Die Entwicklung einer MR-Theorie basierend auf phänomenologischer Forschung. QuPuG, 3(1): 15-23.
Helou, N. J., Talhouedec, D., Shaha, M., Zanchi, A. (2016). Study Protocol: The impact of a multidisciplinary self-care management program on quality of life, self-care behavior, adherence to the anti-hypertensive treatment, glycemic control, and renal function in adults with diabetic kidney disease. A cross-over study. BMJ Nephrology, (17): 88-98.
Da Rocha, M.-G., Pautex, S., Bollondi-Pauly, C., Brugger, A., Chong, L., Khaled, S., Kigouk, S. Noël, M., Shaha, M. (2016). Le récit de vie du patient: recueil de témoignages des infirmières dans le cadre de Revie (+). Revue internationale de soins palliatifs 31/1, p. 45-46.
Perrenoud, S., Romagnoli, S., Shaha, M. (2015). La vaccination – une thématique controversée: l’exemple de la grippe. Jusletter, 24 August 2015.
Shaha, M., Gmür, S., Schoenenberger, A. W., Gerber, F. S., Exadaktylos, A. (2015). Trends and characteristics of attendances at the emergency department of a Swiss university hospital: 2002-2012. Swiss Medical Weekly, (145): w14141.
Shaha, M., Wüthrich, E., Stauffer, Y., Herzceg, F., Fattinger, K., Hirter, K., Papalini, M., Herrmann, L. (2015). Implementing evidence-based patient and family education on oral anticoagulation: a community-based participatory action research. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24 (11-12): 1534-1545.
Morin, D., Shaha, M., Januel, J.-M., Laubscher, A., Brioschi Levi, H., Ninane, F., Roulin, M.-J., Ramelet, A.-S. (2015). [Update on advanced practice nursing]. Soins Infirmiers/ASI, 108 (5) : 72-76.
DaRocha, G., Roos, P., Shaha, M. (2014). Le sentiment de finitude de vie et les stratégies de coping face à l'annonce d'un cancer. Revue Internationale de Soins Palliatifs, 29 (2) : 49-53.
Schlegel, C., Shaha, M. (2014). Turning old into new. Clinical Teacher, 11 (7): 562-562.
Helou, N., Dwyer, A., Burnier, M., Shaha, M., Zanchi, A. (2014). Multidisciplinary management of diabetic kidney disease: a systematic review protocol. The JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 12 (7), doi:
Morin, D., Ramelet, A.-S., Shaha, M. (2013). Vision suisse romande de la pratique infirmière avancée. Recherche en soins infirmiers, 115 (12): 49-58.
Shaha, M. (2013). Pflege und Recht in Bezug auf Geschlechtsvarianten. Pflegerecht – Pflegewissenschaft, 1 (3): 130-145.
Shaha, M., Käppeli, S., Schnepp, W. (2013). Aus der Praxis in die Praxis zurück: Zwischenverpflegung Theorieentwicklung. Pflegewissenschaft, 15 (7-8): 389-400.
Shaha, M., Berg, J., Wenzel, J., Shaefer, J., Terhaar, M., Klimmek, R., Melville, K., Belcher, A.E. (2013). Excellence in teaching and learning: students‘perspective. Journal of Nursing Education Practice, 3 (12): 35-46.
Shaha, M., Käppeli, S., Schnepp, W. (2013). Die Reichweite von Theorien als Indikator für ihre Umsetzbarkeit in der Praxis. Pflegewissenschaft, 15 (1): 5-16.
Huber, C., Huber, J. W., Shaha, M. (2011). Diabetes care of the dependent older adult: an exploratory study of nurses’ perspectives. European Diabetes Nursing, 8 (3): 88-92.
Shaha, M., Cox, C.L., Cohen, M.Z., Belcher, A.E., Käppeli, S. (2011). [The contribution of concept development to nursing knowledge? The example of Transitoriness]. Pflege, 24 (6): 361-72.
33.Schlegel, C., Woermann, U., Shaha, M., Rethans, J. J., van der Vleuten, C. (2011). Effects of Communication Training on Real Practice Performance: A Role-Play Module Versus a Standardized Patient Module. Journal of Nursing Education, 51 (1): 16-22.
Shaha, M., Cox, C.L., Belcher, A.E., Cohen, M.Z. (2011). Transitoriness: a perception of life’s finitude following cancer diagnosis. Cancer Nursing Practice, 10 (4(, 24-27.
Shaha, M., Hill., E.E., Wenzel, J. (2011). Planning and conducting focus group research with nurses. Nurse Researcher, 18 (2); 77-87
Shaha, M., Pandian, V., Choti, M., Stotsky, E., Herman, J., Khan, Y., Libonati, C., Coleman, J., Pawlik, T. M., Schulick, R., Belcher, Anne E., (2010). Transitoriness in cancer patients. Supportive Care in Cancer, 19 (2): 271-279.
Hill, E.E., Nguyen, T.H., Shaha, M., Wenzel, J., DeForge, B.R., Spellbring, A.M. (2009). Person-environment interactions contributing to nursing home resident falls. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 2 (4): 287-296.
Schlegel, C., Shaha, M., Terhaar, M. (2009). The value of standardized patients in nursing education. Journal of Nursing Science, 27 (2): 40-48.
Shaha, M., Bauer-Wu, S. (2009). Early adulthood uprooted. Transitoriness in young women with breast cancer. Cancer Nursing, 32 (3): 246-255.
Wenzel, J., Shaha, M. (2008). Experiencing cancer treatment decision-making in managed care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 63 (5): 455-464.
Shaha, M., Schmid-Buchi, S., Abt, J., Mathis-Jaggi, F., Holdener, E., Riederer, E., Stoll, H. R., Fliedner, M., Imhof, L. (2008). [The contribution of oncology nursing to the Swiss Research Agenda for Nursing - SRAN]. Pflege, 21 (6): 385-403.
Imhof, L., Abderhalden, C., Cignacco, E., Eicher, M., Mahrer-Imhof, R., Schubert, M., Shaha, M. (2008). [Swiss Research Agenda for Nursing (SRAN): The development of an agenda for clinical nursing research in Switzerland.]. Pflege, 21 (6): 375-384.
Imhof, L., Abderhalden, C., Cignacco, E., Eicher, M., Mahrer-Imhof, R., Schubert, M., Shaha, M. (2008). [Swiss Research Agenda for Nursing (SRAN): The development of an agenda for clinical nursing research in Switzerland.]. Pflege, 21 (4): 252-261.
Shaha, M., Cox, C.L., Roine, K., Kelly, D. (2008). Uncertainty in cancer patients. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 40 (1): 60-67.
Shaha, M. (2008). [Post doctorate studies in the United States: experiences as a post doctoral student of nursing sciences in the USA]. Pflege, 21 (2): 71-73.
Rabenschlag, F., Shaha, M. (2007). [Analysis of team specific situations of burden in everyday nursing and development of tailored interventions: an action research project nurses]. Pflege, 20 (1): 35-40.
Shaha, M., Rabenschlag, F. (2007). Burdensome situations in everyday nursing: an explorative qualitative action research on a medical ward. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 31 (2): 134-145.
Schlegel, C., Shaha, M. (2007). [Special Challenges in the Planning and Performance of OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) in Nursing Training]. PrInternet, 12, (1 page).
Schlegel, C., Shaha, M. (2007). [A pilot study: obtaining a strong clinical focus by including standardized patients into nursing education – a benefit for all!]. PrInternet, 3 (5 pages).
Shaha, M., Cox, C.L., Hall, A., Porrett, T. (2006). The omnipresence of cancer: its implications for colorectal cancer. Cancer Nursing Practice, 5 (4): 35-39.
Terhaar, M., Shaha, M. (2006). Palliative approach to perinatal and neonatal care. eNeonatal Review, 6 (11): 3-8.
Shaha, M. (2004). [Critical culture conference: how does this relate to durability?]. Pflege, 17 (6): 361-363.
Shaha, M. (2004). Country Profile: Switzerland. Nursing Ethics, 11 (4): 418-424.
Shaha, M., Cox, C.L. (2003). The omnipresence of cancer. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 7 (3): 191-196.
Shaha, M. (2003). [Life with intestinal cancer. A phenomenologic-empirical study]. Pflege, 16 (6): 323-330.
Shaha, M. (1998). Racism and its implications in ethical-moral reasoning in nursing practice: a tentative approach to a largely unknown topic. Nursing Ethics, 5 (2): 139-146.
Shaha, M. (1998). [Pleasures and pains of a beginning researcher. What is being withheld at the presentation of a study]. Pflege, 11 (4): 207-212.
Professional Journals
Zumstein-Shaha, Maya (2023). Disaster Preparedness (Teil 1). NovaCura, 54(9), 13-18.
Zumstein-Shaha, Maya (2022). Ungewissheit bei Personen mit Krebs. Erleben und Auswirkungen für die Pflegepraxis. NovaCura, 53, 6, 17-22.
Zumstein-Shaha, Maya (2022). Long COVID – Das Echo der Pandemie. Seine Manifestation und die aktuellen Herausforderungen. NovaCura, 53, 4, 9-14.
Kraft, Esther, Anthenien, Deborah, Zumstein-Shaha, Maya (2018). [Milestone for the treatment and care pathway colorectal cancer]. Heime und Spitäler, 3, 26-28.
Ortoleva Bucher, Claudia, Timmer, Marjan, Shaha, Maya (2017). Soins palliatifs aux patients souffrant de démence : regards croisés entre besoins des patients et les perceptions de ces besoins par les proches et par l’équipe de soins. Info@gériatrie.
Ortoleva Bucher, Claudia, Timmer, Marjan, Shaha, Maya (2017). Les soins palliatifs auprès de personnes souffrant d’une démence avancée. Psychoscope.
Shaha, Maya, Timmer, Marjan, Ortoleva Bucher, Claudia (2017). “Comfort goals” formulieren. Krankenpflege, 107 (3): 30-31.
Romagnoli, Simone, Perrenoud, Stéphanie, Shaha, Maya (2016). La vaccination obligatoire. Quelques repères juridiques. Info@gériatrie, (5): 52-53.
Shaha, Maya (2016). Enjeux du prolongement de la vie et rôle des soins palliatifs., 124(4), 13-15.
Huber, Claudia, Huber, Jörg, Shaha, Maya (2014). Pflegerische Unterstützung erhöht Lebensqualität. Krankenpflege, 106 (9): 8-10.
Gerber, Fabienne Sarah, Shaha, Maya, Brodmann Mäder, Monica (2014). Den Bedürfnissen von über 65-Jährigen anpassen. Krankenpflege, 106 (7): 34-35.
Gaillard Desmedt, Sandra, Shaha, Maya (2013). La place de la spiritualité dans les soins infirmiers : une revue de littérature. Recherche en soins infirmiers, 115 (12): 19-35.
Bonhôte Börner, Martine, Mülhauser, Sara, Shaha, Maya (2013). Anstoss zur Änderung des Lebensstils. Krankenpflege, 106 (6): 13-15.
Shaha, Maya, Wüthrich, Erika, Papalini, Marianne, Herrmann, Luzia (2012). Umgang mit den Antikoagulantien systematisch schulen. Krankenpflege, 105 (7): 32-33.
Shaha, Maya (2012). [How do men and women with colorectal cancer differ in the experience of their illness?]. Onkologiepflege/Soins en oncologie, (4): 26-27.
Cornuz, Jacques, Shaha, Mya (2012). [Care for the elderly: future challenges]. Courrier du Médecin vaudois, 1 (7): 8-9.
Scharaditsch, Kathrin, Shaha, Maya (2012). [Application of basal stimulation and therapeutic touch in the care of elderly patients suffering from dementia]. Österreichische Pflegezeitschrift, 9 (1): 19-22.
Shaha, Maya (2009). [Studying phenomena in nursing: Open up a new world]. CNE.fortbildung, 1 (10): 13-16.
Schlegel, Claudia, Shaha, Maya (2007). [Comprehensive scrutiny of competence]. Krankenpflege, 100 (8): 32.
Shaha, Maya, Rabenschlag, Franziska, Holzer, Rirchard (2005). [Lowering stress levels in the workplace]. Krankenpflege, 98 (4): 10-13, 40-43, 62-65.
Shaha, Maya (2004). [Scenes of everyday life]. Tangram, 16, October, 59.
Shaha, Maya (2004). [Racism in hospital]. Tangram, 16, October, 57-58.
Shaha, Maya (2002). [Rassismus und mögliche Auswirkungen auf den Spitalalltag]. Nova, 33 (4): 16-19.
Book Chapters
Keinath, E., Dirksen, A., Lehwaldt, D., Glarcher, M., Essl-Maurer, R., von Dach, C., Eissler, C., & Zumstein-Shaha, M. (2023). Nurse Practitioner Development in German-speaking Countries: Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. In S. L. Thomas & J. S. Rowles (Eds.), Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Anesthetists: The Evolution of the Global Roles (pp. 207-223). Springer International Publishing.
Zumstein-Shaha, M. (2020). Dokumentation pflegerischer Spiritual Care. Erfahrungen und Anregungen aus pflegewissenschaftlicher Perspektive. In S. Peng-Keller, D. Neuhold, R. Kunz, & H.-P. Schmitt (Eds.). Dokumentation als seelsorgerliche Aufgabe: Elektronische Patientendossiers im Kontext von Spiritual Care (S. 253-275). Zürich: Theologischer Verlag TVZ.
Zumstein-Shaha, M. (2019). Advanced Nursing Practice: The Way to Go?–How to Progress in Your Speciality In: Principle of Nursing in Oncology: New Challenges (pp. 309-328). Cham: Springer.
Shaha, M. (2016). Patientenzufriedenheit. In: K. Jehle, S. Hill. Feigenblatt oder Baum der Erkenntnis. Messung der Patientenzufriedenheit – Standortbestimmungen und Ausblick. Band 131. Bern: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Gesundheitspolitik.
Shaha, M., Spichiger, E., Herrmann, L. (2015: 60-70). Die Zukunft der Pflege in der Schweiz. In: S. Sigrist, N. Bornstein, K. Lesmono, A. Dür, G. Folkers. Hacking health care. Das Gesundheitssystem verstehen und weiterdenken. Zürich: NZZ.
Chmiel, A. S., Shaha, M., Morin, D., Schneider, D. K. (2014). Vom Frontalunterricht zum „Blended Learning“. Erster Schritt zur Entwicklung eines umfassenden Evaluierungsprozesses (Poster). Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft e. V. GMW14 – Lernräume gestalten – Bildungskontexte vielfältig denken, Conference, Zürich, Switzerland, Abstractbook.
Spichiger, E., Shaha, M., Fliedner, M., Hirter, K., Herrmann, L. (2014). Developing and evaluating advanced practice nurse roles in a Swiss university hospital based on a conceptual framework, oral presentation, ICN INP/APNN Conference, Helsinki, Finland, electronic Abstractbook p. 62.
Shaha, M., Schnepp, W. (2013: 151-170). Qualitative Analysemethoden. In: H. Brandenburg, E.-M. Panfil, H. Mayer. Pflegewissenschaft 2. Bern: Hans Huber.
Shaha, M., Schnepp, W. (2013: 67-84). Qualitative Forschungsmethoden. In: H. Brandenburg, E.-M. Panfil, H. Mayer. Pflegewissenschaft 2. Bern: Hans Huber.
Bachmann-Mettler, I., Eicher, M., Bigler-Perrotin, L., Fournier, F., Mathis-Jaggi, F., Rieder, E., Shaha, M. (2011). Pflege (S. 112-122). In: Oncosuisse. Nationales Krebsprogramm für die Schweiz 2011-2015. Bern: Oncosuisse.
Shaha, M. (2009). Heideggers Ontologie des Daseins in Pflegeforschung und Theoriebildung. In: H. Mayer (Hrsg). Pflegewissenschaft – von der Ausnahme zur Normalität. Wien: Facultas.
Shaha, M. (2005). The Swiss Health Care System. In: L. Beldean, U. Zeitler & L. Rogozea. Nursing Today. Rumania: „Alma Mater“ Sibiu.
Shaha, M., Rabenschlag, F. (2004). Situations of overtaxation in everyday nursing care. Paper given at the 5th annual international research conference, through research, education & technology, Dublin, Ireland.
Shaha, M., Rabenschlag, F., Holzer, R., (2004). Overtaxation in everyday nursing. Paper given at the 3rd international research and development conference, clinical practice – research and development in nursing conference in Aarhus, Denmark.
Shaha, M. (2004). Omnipresence of cancer. Paper given at the 3rd international research and development conference, clinical practice – research and development in nursing conference in Aarhus, Denmark.
Shaha, M., Cox, C.L. (2003). The Dasein of colorectal cancer. An ontological study. In: Wilman, A. (ed.) Nursing Theories in practice, education and research. Critical Appraisal. Second European Nursing Conference in Scandinavia 18 – 20 May, 2000. Monograph No 10. Stockholm: Förlagshuset Gothia.
Shaha, M. (2002). The Omnipresence of Cancer. In: Cox, C. (ed.) Enhancing the practice experience. A collection of papers. European Honour Society 2002. Conference proceedings. Bournemouth: Nursing Praxis International.
External memberships
American Academy of Nursing
VfP Association to Promote Nursing Science in Switzerland
AFG Oncology
First poster prize
March 2016: First poster prize at the Conference for Health Professions, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, Switzerland.
Poster: “Erfahrungen von multimorbiden Patienten mit Vitamin-K-Antagonisten im häuslichen Alltag, nachdem sie im Akutspital von Pflegefachpersonen geschult wurden – eine interpretierende phänomenologische Evaluationsstudie.“
First poster prize
March 2014: First poster prize at the Société Francophone de Diabétologie SFD, Paris, France.
Poster: “La perception du risque de santé futur chez les femmes primipares récemment diagnostiquées avec un diabète gestationnel : étude descriptive corrélationnelle.”
First poster prize
November 2013: First poster prize at the Conference of the European Nursing Directors Association ENDA, Zurich, Switzerland.
Poster: “Advanced Nursing Practice: A Concept to Develop Innovative Services for Chronically Ill Patients.”
First prize
June 2011: First prize by the Hospital Limmattal, Schlieren, Switzerland.
Master of Advanced Studies in Palliative Care Thesis by Deborah Ackermann: “Transition to end-of-life.”
Supervised theses
Erika Saint-Paul NEODOL: Translation and Cultural Adaptation 2023
Ilona Hänni What do I have to face now? 2022
Brigitte Hofer Fritzsche Determining the need for palliative pediatric care in the Canton of Bern 2022
Carina Schauss Advanced Practice Nurse in Primary Care - Experiences of Multimorbid Patients and their Family Caregivers 2019
Dominique Beerli Unmet Needs and Problems of Elderly Patients after Accidents at Hospital Discharge for Home 2019
Andrea Röthlisberger Psychosocial Health in Oncology Nursing - Researching the Spiritual Needs of Cancer Patients and their Family 2018
Amélia Didier Patient perspectives on interprofessional collaboration between healthcare professionals during hospitalization 2021
Colette Balice Développement d'une intervention complexe interprofessionnelle et étude de faisabilité pour améliorer la prise en charge des actes douloureux en néonatologie 2020
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- German - Native or bilingual proficiency
- English - Native or bilingual proficiency
- French - Native or bilingual proficiency
Intercultural knowledge
- United States of America
- United Kingdom
- France
- Germany