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New Hardware Security Group at BFH
22.01.2025 The Institute for Cybersecurity and Engineering ICE at Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH has a new research group, the Hardware Security Group, which is dedicated to a central and increasingly relevant topic: the security of embedded and networked systems. The aim is to better understand threats and risks and to develop effective solutions.
“We are continuously monitoring the security landscape and have identified a clear need for more research into hardware security,” says Bruce Nikkel, co-head of the Institute for Cybersecurity and Engineering ICE. The increasing networking of hardware, especially in the context of Industry 4.0, presents new challenges. Many companies are integrating cloud services and connecting their systems, some of which are decades old, via the internet. This integration opens up a whole new dimension of risk. In the past, industrial systems were usually isolated and protected by physical security measures such as access controls. However, today’s networking practices have given rise to vulnerabilities that have often not been addressed so far. Companies that have traditionally relied on physical security usually have little experience in dealing with the new cybersecurity threats. In addition, new cyber resilience laws – such as the European Union’s Cyber Resilience Act – have been implemented. These laws introduce new requirements in terms of cybersecurity standards for products with digital elements, and this throughout their life cycle.

Range of services
The Hardware Security Group provides hardware security and risk assessments, penetration and fault injection testing, side-channel attack analysis and consulting in the field of hardware supply chain security. It supports various industries and a wide range of devices, including consumer and industrial IoT devices, OT devices, smart buildings, smart cars and embedded systems for medical devices. In addition, the group offers forensic support for the extraction of data from embedded systems.
Although the research is still in the preliminary phases, the potential is huge. The aim is to support Industry 4.0 companies, manufacturers and users of IoT devices and to contribute to the security and stability of networked systems – for the benefit of the economy and society.
Institute for Cybersecurity and Engineering ICE
The new Hardware Security Group is an addition to the institute’s existing research groups (E-Voting, FinTech Security, Wireless Communication & Secure Internet of Things). It provides distinct expertise and tools that may prove useful for the other groups. The Institute for Cybersecurity and Engineering ICE develops innovative technologies to protect society, the economy and infrastructures from cyber threats.
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