Einstufige Fermentation von Holz zu Ethanol in einem Membran-Biofilm-Reaktor

Bio-ethanol has so far mainly been produced from sugar cane and corn starch and has therefore competed with the production of food and fodder. However, ethanol can also be produced from lignocellulose, e.g. wood.



The goal is the energy saving biobiochemical conversion of lignin rich wood into ethanol in a multispecies biofilm membrane reactor (MBM reactor), by expanding the microbial consortium with a lignin degrading fungal strain.

Course of action

The research work focuses on a simplified, integrated process for producing ethanol from pretreated wood. In a multispecies biofilm membrane reactor (MBM reactor), the enzymes are produced, the hemicelluloses and cellulose saccharified, the resultant monosaccharides fermented and the ethanol ultimately separated. In order to reduce the energy consumption at the pretreatment stage, the currently used microbial consortium is expanded with lignin-degrading fungal strains.