KSD Campus

On behalf of the coordinated medical service (CMS), the project focuses on the development and conception of a training and further education platform for people from the military and civilian rescue and medical services.



Campus KSD is a training platform addressing topics relevant to medical services in the context of major events and disasters. Extreme events such as floods, epidemics, earthquakes, damage to critical infrastructures or terrorist attacks usually happen without warning.

Course of action

Together with the client, the concept of the education and training platform Campus KSD is being continuously developed and updated. A crucial component of the KSD campus is the annual KSD conference, which is carried out by BFH and KSD in cooperation with other partners (e.g. Federal Office for Civil Protection, MeteoSwiss, etc.).


- KSD Conference «Climate Change - Effects on Health Care», (cancelled due to Coronavirus restrictions) - Various specialist courses and events

Es ist das Logo des Campus KSD zu sehen: ein Blaues Kreuz mit den Buchstaben KSD.
Logo des Campus des Koordinierten Sanitätsdienstes KSD