Support for digitalisation projects in the thematic field Humane Digital Transformation
The thematic field Humane Digital Transformation backs innovative, applied projects with expertise and support services amounting to CHF 10,000 . We welcome project ideas that put people at the centre of digital transformation.
Starting point
Do you have an idea for a project in the field of digital transformation? And does your project focus on the “human” factor? If so, you should apply for funding. We support 5 to 10 projects.
Target group
The offer is aimed at companies, start-ups and organisations from the private and public sectors.
Your idea fits the topic of the Humane Digital Transformation, has social impact, innovation potential, offers opportunities for a follow-up project and involves at least two departments. In addition, your project adds value to the digital transformation with a strong focus on people.
You are ready to invest a personal contribution of at least CHF 5,000 in your project and to implement the project in 2025*. Your idea meets our relevance criteria. Ideally, you are already in touch with a research team at BFH. If your project is deemed relevant to the thematic field, we will provide it with support services amounting to CHF 10,000.
We support feasibility studies and proofs of concept, hypothesis testing, prototype development, participatory development processes, methodological studies in relation to specific challenges and much more.
A committee evaluates the applications according to the above criteria and determines which projects are supported.
Application deadline
28 March 2025
*The contribution in kind of CHF 5,000 is not required for start-ups and non-profit organisations.
About us
BFH combines comprehensive expertise in all key areas of human-centric digitalisation. Our team has in-depth technical know-how, strong methodological competencies and many years of experience in the implementation of applied projects. This wide-ranging expertise enables us to take a holistic approach to projects and to focus on each project’s individual requirements.
Next steps
Still in the idea stage or no partner at BFH
Contact with a short description of your project needs. We will be happy to support you in the further development of your project planning.
You already have project at hand
Please download the application form and send it duly completed to until 28 March 2025.
There is no entitlement to any form of support. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the selected projects. No legal recourse is permitted.