Brush up your English (BZG3441)

A students' centered course to achieve a B1/B2 level of the Common European Framework of references for Languages.

Students will be able to ensure success in their English courses, and they will have more confidence in understanding, writing and communicating in English.


  • Degree/Certificate Passed/failed
  • Duration Week 38–03
  • Schedule Execution i: Monday, 04:15–05:50 p.m. (online)
    Execution a: Tuesday, 05:05–06:55 p.m. (on site and online)
  • Application deadline Week 26–30 – online in IS-Academia
  • ECTS credits 2 ECTS credits
  • Costs no additional costs
  • Teaching language Teaching: Englisch
    Exam: English
  • Location Biel, online
  • School School of Engineering and Computer Science
  • Next session Autumn Semester