Prof. Michael Lehmann

Prof. Michael Lehmann Leiter Medizininformatik
Contact hours
Friday -
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Engineering and Computer Science
Höheweg 80
2501 Biel
Information events in schools on the BSc in Medical Informatics
Guided tours of the Living-Lab
Applied research and development
Co-organiser of the conference series «Healthcare of the Future»
Focus areas
Digital transformation in healthcare
Semantic interoperability and medical coding
Billing systems in the healthcare sector, DRGs, TARMED
Degree programmes
Bachelor of Science in Medial Informatics
MAS Digital Health
MSc. in Engineering
MSc. in Business Information Technology
Anatomy and Physiology
Pathology and Pathophysiology
Application Management
Living Cases, Bachelor Thesis
Seminar 2 (Excursion, DMEA Berlin)
Public health and medical informatics
Digital Health
Digital Transformation
Medical Informatics
Focus areas
Continuous flow of information in healthcare
Semantical interoperability
Medical and semantical coding (ICD-10, CHOP, SNOMED CT, LOINC etc.)
Active and assisted living
Apps for healthcare providers, patients and research
- Michael Lehmann studied human medicine at the University of Bern from 1988 to 1994 and then worked as a physician in various Swiss hospitals. He developed his own databases for managing medical histories. In 1999, he turned his passion into a profession and switched to medical informatics (setting up the informatics company of the Association of Swiss Assistant and Senior Physicians VSAO). Development and distribution of applications for assistant physicians. From 2001 he worked at Parametrix Solutions AG, first as head of the project department, from 2003 in product management and as managing director. 2007-2017 occupation at Semfinder AG (product management). Professor of Medical Informatics since 2011. Michael Lehmann is one of the founders of the Bachelor's degree programme in Medical Informatics. Teaching activities include medical documentation and terminology, information systems, IoT and digital transformation in healthcare. Michael Lehmann is co-founder of the BFH Medical Informatics Living Lab. 2017-2024 head of the BSc Medical Informatics programme, since 2024 head of the Medical Informatics division.
Professional experience
- since 2024 Head of the Medical Informatics division Bern University of Applied Sciences
- since 2011 Professor of Medical Informatics Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 2007-2017 Product Manager 3M Semfinder AG
- 2003-2006 Managing Director Parametrix Solutions AG
- 2001-2002 Head of Project Department Parametrix Solutions AG
- 1999-2000 Director VSAO MediInformatik AG
- 1988-1994 Study of medicine University of Bern
Other projects
2015-2019: Multi-stakeholder project »Hospital of the Future live«
2017-2018: AmPro - Outpatient processes at Inselspital.
2014-2015: e-Matrix research project: Development of an e-health platform for women and health professionals around pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. A study at the Maternity Ward of the Women's Clinic Thun.
2012-2014: GS1, economiesuisse: Hospital of the Future - Development of a process analysis tool "IXPRA" for the identification of technical and cultural discontinuities in the health care system.
2012-2013: H+ Swiss Hospitals' Association: Data analysis for the revision of accounting in ambulatory medicine.
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- German - Native or bilingual proficiency
- French - Full professional proficiency
- English - Full professional proficiency
- Italian - Professional working proficiency