Day of action against sexual harassment – ‘If you get too close, you’re going too far’

23.03.2022 Sexual harassment and sexism violate people’s integrity and dignity and are not tolerated at Bern University of Applied Sciences. BFH advocates strongly against sexual harassment and is taking part in the day of action against sexual harassment in higher education with a campaign on 23 March 2022.

Any behaviour with sexual connotations that is not wanted by both parties and which degrades people on the basis of their gender is considered to be sexual harassment. It can appear as words, gestures or acts, and it can happen at universities between fellow students, between students and teaching staff, or between supervisors and employees.

Nobody has to put up with sexual harassment or sexism. Say NO to sexual harassment and sexism, whether as the person affected or as a witness. For more detailed information and contact details for confidential support options, visit our website:

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Category: University of applied sciences