AI in higher education: new platform offers guidance

26.09.2023 A new online platform provides inputs for using AI-based tools in higher education and offers guidelines for critical use of such tools. The aim is to make the best possible use of the potential of AI in teaching while minimising potential risks and difficulties.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly embedded in various areas of our lives, including higher education. The potential of AI-based tools in this area and how they can be used critically are being investigated by researchers from Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH in the Education 6.0 project together with BeLEARN, the association for digitalisation in education. The focus is on developing responsible and ethical approaches to AI in the higher education environment.

Information and exchange

As part of the project, the researchers developed an online platform that provides students and teachers with relevant and reliable information and recommendations on the proper use of AI-based tools. In addition, those interested can share and discuss their experiences on this subject on an online platform. 

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