Project Neptune: Inexpensive hardware for private use

04.09.2023 Are you looking for an inexpensive laptop or tablet for private use? Then as a student, employee or alumni of the BFH you can benefit from the offers of Project Neptun until 2 October 2023.

Until 2 October 2023, you can purchase different hardware from various brands at reduced prices for private use. You can find detailed information about the devices and how to order them directly on the project website. All BFH students, staff and alumni can benefit from this offer again this autumn.

Project Neptun provides a service for all members of Swiss higher education institutions. It provides support for studies, teaching, research and work, regardless of time and place.

IT support

The vonRoll University Centre also offers a Project Neptun Help Point for support cases. This is located at Fabrikstrasse 8 on the ground floor in room B001.

Further information