Coronavirus: Research operations at BFH

06.04.2020 BFH has adjusted its research operations to comply with the official measures adopted to contain SARS-CoV-2. All research and consulting activities are carried out in accordance with the hygiene and behaviour recommendations of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). Cooperation with external partners in industry, society, culture and the public sector is being maintained in order to continue to drive innovation, especially in the present exceptional circumstances.

  • Research and consulting activities are taking place under strict compliance with the FOPH’s tightened hygiene and behaviour recommendations (hand washing, distancing). 

BFH harmonises its procedures with government measures and the corresponding rules in order to protect the safety of employees while at the same time continuing its practice-oriented research operations.

Operating strategy

The various physical research facilities (laboratories, workshops, workrooms, studios, field trials, etc.) at the different BFH sites are subject to their own separate rules. The AHB, G, HAFL, HKB and TI departments have an operating strategy for their physical research facilities that regulates the following points under compliance with the FOPH’s hygiene and behaviour instructions:

  • Continuation of research activities in physical research facilities under compliance with the safety rules
  • Measures and personnel responsibility for checking compliance with the federal government’s recommendations and rules. Non-essential infrastructure, services and general research premises are largely closed. Existing rules on safety at work and laboratory safety continue to apply.

Existing rules on safety at work and laboratory safety continue to apply.


In the event of queries and for further information, project partners should get in touch with their contact at BFH.


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Category: Research