Lifestyle intervention in overweight people with chronic low back pain

Many people with chronic back pain suffer from other conditions, such as overweight or obesity. Overweight and chronic back pain have a strong influence on the ability to work as well as on the social and personal level. Associations between back pain and overweight or obesity have been proven and are present in the Swiss population. Currently, there are no guidelines for the combined therapy of the two diagnoses. Therefore, research of both aspects is crucial.


Initial situation

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Chronic back pain is the most expensive cause of work incapacity. Individuals with this pain often also have comorbidities such as overweight or obesity. Although this interaction is described based on the current literature, there are few studies that take obesity into account in the treatment of back pain.


The objectives of the project are to investigate the effectiveness and cost of combined therapy (education, exercise therapy) for chronic low back pain in overweight/obese individuals.


Subjects will be recruited from general practitioners, physiotherapists, outpatient health centers in the Bern area and via professional associations (Physioswiss). After meeting all inclusion criteria, they will be randomly assigned to a therapy. The therapy focuses on the treatment of back pain in combination with obesity.

Sequence for measurement time points

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Physiotherapists wanted

Physiotherapists who are willing to carry out the planned therapy will receive training from a project member on the content of the therapy. The therapies are paid by the project. No prescription from a doctor is necessary.

If you have any questions or are interested in participating in the project as a physiotherapist, please send an e-mail to

Interested volunteers can register directly here.

The project is carried out in cooperation with the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium).

Do you have any questions or comments?

Please contact us. We are at your disposal.