Evaluation Project Mentoring Programme Canton of Berne
The mentoring programme is aimed at jobseekers over 50 years of age with at least an upper-secondary level. Participation is voluntary. We are evaluating the pilot phase, which will run from March 2023 to June 2024
- Lead school School of Social Work
- Institute Institute for Social Security and Social Policy
- Funding organisation Others
- Duration (planned) 04.11.2022 - 30.06.2024
- Project management Prof. Dr. Tobias Fritschi
- Head of project Prof. Dr. Peter Neuenschwander
Project staff
Dr. Lukas Christian Schlittler
Tina Richard
Alissa Sabrina Patricia Hänggeli - Partner Wirtschafts- Energie- und Umweltdirektion des Kantons Bern (WEU)
- Keywords Evaluation, mentoring, work integration, unemployment insurance, 50+
The world of work has changed greatly in recent decades under increasing digitalisation and automation. For about ten years now, the terms "Work 4.0" and "New Work" have become es-tablished in the professional world. The Swiss economy is dependent on well-trained skilled workers. However, from 2015 until the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, the shortage of skilled workers increased steadily. The reasons for this are manifold. The situation is aggravat-ed by the fact that technical skills alone are no longer sufficient. Digital competencies and distinctive soft skills such as social and personal competencies are increasingly in demand. Well-qualified and experienced people who have lost their jobs, usually through no fault of their own, and are looking for a new job could counteract the shortage of skilled workers. It is well known that vacancies are often not advertised. Therefore, a sustainable network is of cen-tral importance in the job search. This is where the mentoring programme of the Canton of Bern comes in.
Course of action
The evaluation design provides for a survey of the most important stakeholders. The job seek-ers/mentees as well as the mentors are continuously asked about their experiences with the mentoring programme via an online survey. The counsellors of the Regional Employment Cen-ters will be surveyed in a mixed-language workshop. The findings from the various surveys will be recorded in an interim report that will be made available to the client by the end of 2023. In addition, a workshop with mentees and mentors as well as an interview with the project man-agement will be conducted. In the first half of 2024, an impact analysis will be carried out and the cost-benefit ratio of the pilot project will be calculated.