Computational Modeling 2 (BTW2302)

Modelling and simulation with the discrete event simulation methodology (DES) is powerful for analysis, design, planning, and optimization of highly complex discrete systems. The focus of the module is on the application to practical examples in the realm of production planning, logistics, and network optimization. After graduation you apply these skills as business analyst, supply chain manager, data analyst, and production manager.

  • The students know the discrete simulation paradigm in detail and the criteria for its application.

  • They understand how to manage simulation-based projects.

  • The students can develop qualitative discrete event models.

  • They can develop quantitative discrete event simulation models.

  • They can use existing models and optimize those to identify errors and correct them.

  • The students analyze existing models by means of Monte-Carlo and statistical analysis.


  • Degree/Certificate Passed/failed
  • Duration Week 38–03
  • Schedule a: Wednesday, 08:20–12:45
  • Application deadline Week 26–30– online in IS-Academia
    Number of places 10
  • ECTS credits 4 ECTS
  • Costs No additional costs
  • Teaching language Teaching: English
    Assessment: English
  • Location Biel
  • School School of Engineering and Computer Science
  • Next session Autumn semester