New interdisciplinary data scientist with a thirst for learning joins our Business School

10.05.2024 Lucia Gomez Teijeiro started as a tenure track lecturer at the Institute of Applied Data and Finance on 1 May. She has a doctorate in neuroscience and is researching natural language processing. We warmly welcome her and introduce her in this profile.

What excites me about my new position

In two words, to build and belong. BFH’s applied nature perfectly aligns with my vision of teaching and research, opening the doors for me to achieve a tangible impact in educating for the future and innovating businesses. Upon meeting the team, I was deeply impressed by their collaborative spirit and professionalism. I am eager to embark on a lifelong journey of belonging and building alongside the very talented BFH students and professors.

These are my topics

Artificial Intelligence applications, for-profit and non-profit finance and management, neurofinance, sustainability, neurosciencies, psychology.

This is what I want to achieve at BFH Business School

My primary goal is two-fold: on the one hand to contribute meaningfully by providing valuable assistance and sharing my knowledge and, on the other hand, to learn from all BFH colleagues, whose knowledge spans areas in which I’m still a knowledge-durst newbie. In the long term, I envision to successfully guide students and research projects toward excellence, to secure third-party funding for collaborative projects that push the boundaries of BFH’s impact and innovation, and to foster partnerships between different actors in academia and industry to drive forward real-world solutions. Of course, I am committed to cultivating durable relationships with my colleagues, and nurturing an environment of mutual support and growth.

I can laugh heartily about that

Nearly everything. Situations can be seen from many angles, and even challenging circumstances hide valuable lessons to be learned. Laughter can even emerge from awareness. 

For me, sustainability means

A holistic mindset that unites individuals, nature, and the earth, the home to all. Sustainability is recognizing and fostering interconnectedness, seeing that the whole is more than the sum of its parts, and all together advance towards a long-term change. I believe both in retro-engineering our path to reconnect with nature, and using cutting-edge technology, such as AI to design a sustainable future.

Porträt Lucia Gomez Teijeiro


Dozentin Tenure Track


Institut Applied Data Science & Finance


Bachelor’s in Psychology, MSc & PhD in Neurosciences, postdoc in Finance

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