Prof. Dr. Kerstin Denecke

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Denecke Co-Leit. Patient-centered Digital Health
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Engineering and Computer Science
Höheweg 80
2501 Biel
Education and research
Co-Lead Centre Health Technologies at BFH
Affiliate Member of the Faculty of Graduate Studies within the School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria, Canada
Focus areas
Textmining, Natural language processing, mHealth, Conversational User Interface, Artificial Intelligence
Degree programmes
Bachelor Medical Informatics
Clinical Studies
Quality management in healthcare
Seminar and Living Cases
Clinical Apps for Tablets
Participatory Design in Healthcare
Textmining and information discovery in healthcare
Knowledge management and medical ontologies
Sentiment analysis
Natural language processing
Participatory health informatics
Focus areas
Conversational User Interfaces / Chatbots
Information Discovery in Medical Information Systems
Participatory health informatics
Mental health
Safety and quality of digital therapeutics
Patient centered Digital Health
- 2004-2007 Medical Informatics at ID GmbH Berlin
- 2007-2012 Research Associate at L3S Research Center / Leibniz University Hannover, Project lead of national and EU projects
- 2013-2015 Head of the Digital Patient Modeling group at University of Leipzig
- Since August 2015 Professor of Medical Informatics at BFH
- Since 2020 Co-Lead BFH Centre Health Technologies
- Chair IMIA Working Group Participatory Health and Social Media
- Since 2021 Associate Editor of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- Since 2023 Co-Lead Institute Patient-centered Digital Health
- Since 2023 Co-Lead Institute Patient-centered Digital Health
- Since 2023 Co-Lead Institute Patient-centered Digital Health
- Since 2023 Co-Lead Institute Patient-centered Digital Health
Professional experience
- 2022 Research visit University of Victoria, Canada
- 2019 Research visit University of Auckland, New Zealand
- 2000-2004 Diploma studies in Computer Science and Medical Informatics Technische Universität Braunschweig
- 2004-2008 Doctoral studies (Dr. rer. net.) Technische Universität Braunschweig
- 2011-2012 Diploma studies Journalism (Dipl. Journalist) Freie Journalistenschule Berlin
- 2021 Bachelor of Music (BA mus.) Hochschule für Kirchenmusik Halle / Saale
Other projects
A Chatbot for Self-Anamnesis with an Example in Music Therapy (Hasler Foundation, 2017-18)
New Approaches in Information Extraction (Partner ID Suisse AG, 2016-17)
Emotion Analyzer (Research Visit funded by SNF)
Relevance of Semantic Enrichment for Clinical Event Prediction (Hasler Foundation, 2019-20)
Implementation of a search algorithm based on Deep Learning (Partner: ID Suisse AG, 2017- 2019)
Development of an Evaluation Framework for Conversational Agents in Healthcare (Research Visit funded by SNF)
External memberships
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS)
IMIA Working Group Participatory Health and Social Media
Deutscher Fachjournalistenverband
Nachwuchspreis der Friedrich Wingert Stiftung
Nachwuchspreis der Friedrich Wingert Stiftung für herausragende Ansätze in der medizinischen Linguistik und Semantik
Supervised theses
Tim Dorner, Mauro Tschanz Medikationsapp mit eHealth-Anbindung 2017
Kaspar Schmocker, Fabian Zwahlen GlucoMan - Diabetes Management App 2017
Sevinc Burcu, Patrick Jolo eDiabetesberatung 2018
Nesljihan Umeri-Sali, Tanja Nedovic Mobiles Medikationsmanagement 2019
Richard May Einsatz von Virtual Reality zur Steigerung der Gesundheitskompetenz 2019
Massah Hamidi Patientenedukation 2019
Hager Magdub Digitalisierung eines Flowboards zur Unterstützung des Lean Managements 2019
Lea Meier, Jan Bauer Berührungslose Dokumentation im Rettungswesen 2019
Jonathan Meier Telemonitoring von Herzinsuffizienzpatienten 2019
Aaganya Arulnathan, Sayan Vaaheesan Emotionserkennung in therapeutischen Chats 2019
Vinzenz Uhr, Marc Gauch Feinplanungstool für die Arztpraxis 2020
Selina Gashi, Floriana Regli Chatbot zur Erhebung der Krankengeschichte 2021
Sugeelan Selvasingham Klassifizierung von EEG-Daten mittels Deep Learning 2021
Simon Bertschinger Feasibility of Cough Detection and Classification Using Artificial Intelligence 2022
Denis Moser, Daniel Schmid Fading Fatigue 2.0 2022
Yihan Deng PhD thesis: Medical text classification from clinical narratives in progress
Dillys Larbi PhD thesis: A social media chatbot for increasing physical activity behaviour – the FysBot in progress
Daniel Reichenpfader PhD thesis: NLP in radiology in progress
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- German - Native or bilingual proficiency
- English - Full professional proficiency
- French - Limited working proficiency