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Building bridges and joining forces: engaging youth in shaping sustainable food systems and landscapes
16.04.2024 In 2024, the HAFL Hugo P. Cecchini Institute Annual Event will be held in conjunction with celebrations for 30 Years of International Agriculture at BFH-HAFL.
The Cecchini Institute contributes to the development of sustainable smallholder agricultural, forest and food systems in developing and transition economies.
Since its inception in 2020, we have organised an annual event to bring partners and contributors together to discuss current topics relating to the international development agenda.
This year, to coincide with the 30-year anniversary of the BSc in Agriculture – International Agriculture programme at BFH-HAFL, it felt appropriate for the two groups to join together to celebrate and debate the role of youth in agriculture.
We invite you to join us on Tuesday 11 June for the 2024 annual event, titled: “Building bridges and joining forces: engaging youth in shaping sustainable food systems and landscapes.”
There will be a keynote presentation, International Agriculture and Cecchini Institute inputs and interactive group debates, followed by an apéro.
Keynote speaker:
Genna Tesdall, Director of the Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) network.
Group debates:
Three interactive group debates will be run simultaneously, involving participants and moderated by young and established professionals from the sector. The debate topics are:
- Voices unbound: how can localisation move beyond the persisting Global North-South narrative?
- In education for sustainable development, is the adoption of artificial intelligence sacrificing critical thinking and creativity for efficiency?
- Farmers, protests and broken food systems: how do we address the disconnect between society, policy and producers?
Debate wrap-up:
Group debate leaders will present key findings to all attendees in a short, facilitated session.
Network with guests and colleagues from 5pm.
You can find the detailed programme in the programme flyer (PDF).
Register now
The Annual Event is free to attend and open to the public. Registrations close 4 June. Register here.
Category: International