- Event for specialists
Hack4SocialGood 2025 collaborating for a digital future in the social sector
Hack4SocialGood brings together people from the social and technology sectors. During a two-day event, they will help social organisations to find solutions for issues in the field of digitalisation.
04.04.2025 until 05.04.2025 – Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW Von Roll-Strasse 10 4600 Olten
Start date
Add to calendar - End date 05.04.2025
- Place Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW Von Roll-Strasse 10 4600 Olten
- Costs free of charge
The social sector is also digitising. Our event will focus on digital empowerment in the social sector. For the digital transformation in the social sector to succeed, we need cooperation between different disciplines. Technical experts with a heart for social engagement and specialists from the social sector are needed!
After all, the social sector sometimes needs support with digitalisation. Sometimes the needs and solutions remain unrecognised or there are not enough resources to address them. At the same time, there are many people with technical expertise and the right resources who can benefit from working with the social sector - be it through experience for their CV, networking, recruitment or the development of long-term projects. Sometimes it's simply about being socially engaged and making a positive contribution.
Join us and contribute to the digital future of the social sector!