Grassland management and grassland-based production systems

Our research activities focus on the utilization of grassland as forage for ruminants and grassland-based production systems.

Meadows and pastures are characteristic of the Swiss cultural landscape. With more than 70% of its agricultural area covered by grassland, Switzerland has the second-highest proportion of grassland within Europe. Our research activities focus on the sustainable use of this valuable local resource as feed for ruminants.


  • Sustainable management of grassland

  • Efficiency and differentiation characteristics of grassland-based production systems

  • Nutrient flows of grassland-based agricultural production systems

  • Professional grazing management

  • Roughage conservation


Grassland-based production systems

Modeling and analysis of efficiency parameters and nutrient flows
Added value of grassland-based production systems
Optimizing the sustainability of grassland-based production systems

Sustainable grassland management

Utilization of different grassland types in the valley and mountain region

Professional grazing management

Utilization of UAV’s and growth models to support professional grazing

Data-mining to optimize production technology

Use of existing production data to analyze and optimize grassland-based production systems



Are you interested in collaborating with us or do you have any questions about our research activities in the area of grassland management and grassland-based production systems? Please contact us.